Book of Shadows

This section will always be under construction.

I would like to say first that that the chants and first banshing ritual is from Hexcraft by Silver RavenWolf and the Protection Incense is from Scott Cunningham's Magickal Herbalism. The rest are of my mind, but you are more then welcome to use!

Gem List Herbs Herb List Astral Familiars More on Familiars Releasing Negativity Tool Cleanesing Healing Chant Banishing
Chant to protect from an angry dog Banishing 2 To stop a dangerous storm
Protection Incense Purify Self Blessing Chant Purify Circle Circle Casting Closing Circle Watchtower Call Watchtower Release

Astal Familiars

Sit down in a comfortable chair, close your eyes and relax. Breathe deeply, slowly, counting from ten to one, relaxing. When you get to one invision yourself in a dim cavern or cave. Walk slowly to the back of the cave. There you will see a spiral stairway. Walk down the stairway. At the bottom there will be an animal. Speak with the animal. When you are done, walk back up the stairs, and back to the front of the cave. Count from one to ten, on ten open your eyes. Write down everything that happened to you. Things you saw, what your animal was, what you spoke about, ect.
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Releasing Negativity

Usual ritual materials plus: Large metal or ceramic bowl half filled with water. White candle, sage, and one quartz crystal.

Before casting circle place hot candle wax on the bottom of the bowl and stick the candle in it so it's secure. Cast circle, ground and center. Place crystal in water of the bowl. Pleace sage around candle in the water. Light the candle. As the candle burns down stare into the flame, allow the flame to take your negativity. As the flame lowers to the water feel your negativity drain away. When the water quenches out the flame you should be negativity free. If not repeat this spell every few nights. This has always worked well for me.
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Tool Cleanesing

I prefer to do this during a full moon. I will use my athame and cauldron as an examples. I took my athame and gently stuck it into the ground while telling the earth what the purpose of this was. I place the cauldron on top of it, covering the athame. I coated the top of the cauldron with sea salt and left it there for a few hours (I am not sure how long, just till it felt right). I took them inside and cast a circle. I raised the athame over my hand while saying"Dear Goddesses and Gods I wish you to bare witness to the dedication of this athame." That is all I say when dedicating tools because I communacate the rest thru my heart. I sat for a time in my circle, allowing a bond to form between the athame and myself. I took the athema and drew a pentacle inside the opening while repeating the same as I had said about the athame. Then closed circle.
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Healing Chant

This chant is an old Dutch Country Pow-Wow Magick chant mainly used for burns or infections, but I have found it to work very well for headaches, too.
The weed and the dragon tried to cross the river Jordan

The weed sank and the dragon drank

In the name of the Maiden, Mother, and Crone

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Protective chant againist angry dogs

This also a Pow-wow chant. I have found this one very uesful. I often like to take my dog for walks in the evening, but i have some neighbors who don't believe in the leash laws, and while I don't know if these dogs would do my dog or I any harm, I don't hang about to find out.
Dog hold thy nose to the ground

Goddess has made thee, me and hound

In the name of the Maiden, Mother, and Crone.

Repeat this chant 3 times and draw 3 pentacles in the air. Try to remain calm while saying this chant.
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Banishing 1

This is a good spell to use to banish someon who is not strongly attached to you. I used this one and while it did keep the person at bay, they would still call every once in awhile.
Take a picture or belonging (if nothing else write their full name on a piece of paper), and place it in a freezer bag. And a touch of Vervain and Sage. Seal the bag and toss it into the freezer. Slam the door and say" Chill out!" I suggest using this banishing spell before any "whamo" spells. Even if you think it won't work on this person, give it a shot anyway. You jusy may be surprised.
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Banshining 2

This is would be the "whamo" spell. It is much more involved. When doing this spell the best thing to use is a piece of paper with the persons writing on it. This spell will work very well but you must be negativity free when performing this. I used this spell on an x-boyfriend over 2 yrs ago and haven't had a problem since.
Regular ritual tools plus: Hand writing sample, sisscors, yarn, and protection incense.
Cast circle and ground and center. Light incense Cut a small paper doll out of the hand written paper. Take the piece of yarn, wrap it around the doll three times, then tie it at the front while saying, " I,(your craft name) banish you, ((their name) from my life. Be gone to your own life and leave mine in peace." Close circle. Take the doll and bury it outside. You may have to repeat this spell after a time.
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To stop a dangerous storm

Mimic the cooing of a dove three times, then repeat this chant three time:
Morrighan, Morrighan hear my cry

Turn this storm-let it pass me by

Morrighan, Morrighan in the sky

Turn thy tempest to blue sky

This spell should only be used in an emergency.
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Protection Incense

This is an all purpose protection incense.
Use Equal parts of:Frankincense, Wood Betony, and Dragon's Blood. I suggest mixing up a good sized batch of this and storing it in an air-tight container. This way it will always be on hand. Don't forget to make the container with the name and date it was made.
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Purify Self

If possible take a bath. Light a white candle in the bathroom. Turn off light and draw bath. Add a small amount of sea salt and a few drops of your choice of oil. Relax in bath. Feel negaitivty drift away. Dress in ritual garment. When bathing is not possible rub your choice of oil over your body. Place a few drops of bath oil behind ears and on hands. Put on ritual garment.
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Purify Circle

Before casting sircle sweep with scared broom. After casting circle bless with sea salt, sprinkling clockwise. Purify water by sprinkling salt in it. Visulize negativity leaving the water. Sprinkle water clockwise to purify circle. Light incense in censor. Carry censor around circle starting north and ending north moving clockwise.
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Blessing Chant

I like to use this chant while purifing my circle but if you like it, please by all means use it as you will.:
Purify Circle

Bless Circle

Find Power in Circle

Repeat chant 3 times while moving around your crcle clockwise.
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Circle Casting

Set up altat with these and your choice of tools: Goddess side=left=*L God side=right=*R
Goddess Candle-*L

God Candle-*R

Censor with incense-middle


White handled Knife-*R


Sea Salt-*L


Take white or purple cord, starting north make a circle around the altar ending north moving clockwise. Draw energy, visualize energy, out of you, around circle starting north and ending north moving clockwise. Feel it surround and protect you. your circle is now ready.
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Closing Circle

Take your athame, starting north, gently pierce the wall of energy. Began walking cockwise. Feel the energy return to you. When you once again reach norht your circle is closed.
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Watchtower Call

Start facing East, say "Watchtower of the East, send forth a beast, To protect me where I dweel, While I work this spell> Facing South say, Watchtower of the South, Come forth with sharp teeth in your mouth, For it is time to cast, Your protection to hold fast. Facing West say, Watchtower of the West, Come forth and bring your best, It is time I begin, With you protection out and in. Facing North say, Watchtower of the North, allow a protector to come forth, Your protection I request, Hear my call, please do your best.
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Watchtower Release

Say this four times, facing each direction:
Thankyou and farewell, For your protection in doing this spell, North, West, South, and East, Safe journey now, Go in peace.
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