About Elizabeth

Hey Princess~!!

Who is Elizabeth
Elizabeth, put simply is my half sister. All my life I have wanted to sister or brother and now I finally!! have one. I was my mother couch in the delivery room (yes I was old enough, Lizzie is still little now). First thing out of my mouth after I phoned my grandpa to tell him was, I am never having kids. I have since then changed my mind. : D. My mom was in labor for about 8 hrs with Lizzie. I was pretty calm thru it but after I sat down cried, which I felt pretty silly for until I called my grandpa and told him Lizzie was born, he cried too which made me feel alot better. Elizabeth had some problems when she was born so at first I didn't get to see her. She had low birth weight (5lbs 3oz) a low platelett count, she had inhaled fuild ( cuz she should have been taken c-section) and she refused to eat. She was in the Neo-natal intensive care unit for 10 days. Uh-huh, she got to lay around all day while I had to put up with my mom and post-pardum depression, which she got over when Lizzie came home. I remember the first time I finally got to hold her. She was so little and had these big blue eyes. She was an angel. Still is.

Elizabeth's Stats
Elizabeth Cara was born August 7, 1992. She stand around and about 3' and weighs about 30lbs (yes she is very very small for 5 but she is starting to grow more, thank the Gods.) She has a dog named Sammi, who is a boxer. Sammi is really good with Liz. Sometime my mom and Liz will play around wrestling and if Sammi is out of her cage she will growl at my mom if Lizzie screams. The thing I don't get about that is when Liz and I wrestle around Sammi just tries to join in, never growls. Lizzie loves to swim, dance, sign, run, play, and her favorite thing to do is play hide-n-go seek with me and mom. The kid loves mustard. She wants it on everything. She likes it on green beans and spagetti noodles the best (yuck!!) and she hates anything that has tomatoes in it.

If you want to e-mail Liz you can by clicking here please put Liz in the subject line, cuz this is my e-mail addy.