White floating clouds,
Clouds like the plains,
Come and water the earth,
Sun embrace the earth,
that she may be fruitful.
Moon, lion of the north,
Bear of the west,
Bagder of the south,
Wolf of the east,
Eagle of the heavens,
Shrew of the earth,
Elder war hero,
Intercede with the cloud people for us,
That they may water the earth.

Sia Prayer

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-a wonderful online friend who has her hands full but always manages to make time for a kind word.

-a very wonderful lady with a very beautiful name, Kali-Ma

-A good friend and wonderful person!

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-Another grrrrrrreat! ICQ buddy!

-A very good friend and a wonderful helper.

-My buddy from Sweden

-a good friend who lives practically around the corner!

-A very happening and cool girl with a killer page!

-A fellow Xena fan!